The main reason for the love of a man's life and activities, which affects his behavior, is sex hormones. Every third man suffers from a potential disorder. You can make up for the loss of libido in many ways: hormone therapy, exercise and eating the right foods. which one? Find out from our list.
Let's see the 25 best products that will increase your libido quickly and effectively and are useful for potency.

List of products that increase potency
Potency-enhancing products contain high-quality protein in an easily digestible form, vitamins, macro and microelements. Classic set: seafood, fish, lean meat of animals and birds, vegetables and fruits. You can further increase the effect with the help of spices.
Seafood is considered the most effective for increasing potency becausehigh zinc content, high-quality protein, as well as phosphorus, vitamin B (with its deficiency, the conductivity of nerve fibers deteriorates), selenium. Zinc is a key element for maintaining male reproductive health (best zinc foods for men). It participates in the synthesis of testosterone, preventing its breakdown and transformation into female estrogen. Zinc deficiency is shown by a general decrease in potency and vitality.
Seafood includes invertebrate organisms that live in the world's oceans:
- Shellfish: oysters, clams;
- Crustacea: crab, shrimp;
- Cephalopods: cuttlefish, cuttlefish;
- Seaweed.

Fish is a separate product category. The following varieties are very useful for increasing potency: salmon, mackerel, flounder, halibut, sardine, tuna.
How long does your sex and foreplay last in the evening?
Quail eggs, together with oysters, are considered a classic dish to increase potency, but ordinary chicken eggs are not much inferior to them. Contrary to popular belief, the cholesterol contained in egg yolks does not interfere with blood vessels, but is a building material for testosterone and cortisol molecules. With regular consumption of eggs, the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases, which reduces the risk of developing vascular erectile dysfunction. Egg yolks also contain zinc, iron and fat-soluble vitamins D, A, E, which are necessary for the function of the sex glands.
In addition, to maintain normal potency, a man needs protein, and egg protein is almost 100% digestible. An adult can safely consume several eggs a day.
Igor Anatolyevich Izmakin, chief urologist at the Euromedica clinic, talks about which products are good for men's health
Nuts and seeds
Nuts are a heavy food for the stomach, but good for potency. To avoid digestive problems, you can take no more than a handful per day. Nuts contain a lot of zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and amino acids. Their presence in the diet will improve the condition of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, and stimulate the function of the sex glands.
The following nuts are the most beneficial for potency:
- Brazil;
- almonds;
- Cashew nuts;
- Pistachio;
- walnuts;
- Cedar.
The best option to use to increase potency is in a mixture with honey or in the form of nut milk, which can be made at home. To prepare it, you must first soak the beans for 6-8 hours, then dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 5 (100 g of beans per 500 ml of water), grind in a blender, filter the resulting mass. Milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
Detailed article about nuts that increase male potency.
Of the seeds for potency, pumpkin seeds are the most beneficial - they are valued for their high zinc content. However, in addition to these elements, the composition contains many other nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system:
- Complete set of B vitamins.
- Vitamins A and C.
- A complete set of vitamin E tocopherols (the optimal choice for absorption).
- Calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.
- Fatty acids.
Industrial hemp seeds, hemp, chia, sprouted oats and wheat are also useful for potency.

Meat products
Animal meat and chicken have little cholesterol, which is scary for everyone, and a lot of amino acids that are necessary to build muscles and maintain the balance of sex hormones. To increase potency, you need to choose a type of young fish that is low in fat and cook it using gentle methods: in the oven, steamed or grilled. In this way, nutrients are better preserved and subsequent absorption by the stomach is facilitated. Fried steak, barbecue or fatty ribs are overweight, bad cholesterol and carcinogens.
To maintain potency, the following types of meat are most useful:
- Beef. It contains a lot of zinc, amino acids, vitamins B, A, E, PP. The meat is tough, so it is advisable to prepare minced meat first, and then cut steam, meatballs, meatballs, and casseroles.
- Rabbit meat. It is 21% higher than chicken in protein content, 90% absorbed by the body (beef only 60%).
- calf. Meat is taken from animals between 3 and 5 months old. This is a valuable protein product with a high content of protein, iron, and B vitamins.
- Turkey meat. It is considered the safest of all types of chicken meat industry.
- Quail meat. This is a nutritional product rich in retinol, B vitamins, PP, phosphorus, and potassium.
Chicken and pork have been of questionable quality in recent years due to growth-promoting additives. Wild animal meat is also useful for increasing potency, but it must be properly prepared before heat treatment.
The most valuable vegetables to increase male potency are:
- cauliflower;
- Turnip, carrot, pumpkin;
- beets;
- Boiled tomatoes (see also: the benefits of tomatoes for men);
- Red onion;
- celery;
- Romaine lettuce, arugula, watercress;
- Asparagus.
Please note that excessive consumption of raw vegetables will cause bloating and intestinal discomfort. Food should be balanced: 2/3 fiber and 1/3 animal protein.
Fruits and berries
Fruits and berries are rich not only in vitamins, but also in acids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help activate blood circulation.To increase potency, it is recommended to give preference to watermelon, avocado, figs,banana,cranberries, goji berries. Among the useful garden berries to stimulate libido are raspberries, strawberries, and sea buckthorn (more foods that increase libido in men).
Potency will improve if you drink a cocktail based on nut milk with the addition of bananas, strawberries and other berries 2-4 times a week.

Herbs and spices
The following spices help increase potency:
- Saffron.
- Marjoram.
- cardamom.
- Cinnamon.
- cumin
Turmeric (turmeric) is also useful for potency.
Bee products
Some men take bee products regularly. However, it is the most accessible source of bioactive substances that are valuable for potency. The most common beekeeping product is honey. It can be added to morning porridge, cocktails, or mixed with nuts.

Less popular is bee bread (pollen in lumps). Men who want to increase potency are recommended to take one tablespoon daily on an empty stomach. This natural product contains almost the entire periodic table.
A recipe for male potency from honey, walnuts, propolis and pollen
Health cocktail

Nuts have been considered a product for male reproductive health since ancient times. Brazil nuts are rich in selenium. This element promotes the production of testosterone, a male hormone that supports the function of the reproductive system. Walnuts nourish the thyroid gland with iodine and strengthen the immune system. Almonds strengthen muscle tissue and bones, and also fight prostate disease. Simply put, various types of nuts are the most masculine snacks.
Products for fast acting potency – is there such a thing?
It is not possible to activate the potency immediately by taking this or that food product, but you can increase the blood flow and increase the sensitivity of the nerve endings. Fresh seafood, sour cream and nuts are perfect for this (healthy recipes from sour cream and nuts for men).
The most useful vegetables to increase potency quickly are ginger root, horseradish, parsley and garlic. It is better to use it in the form of alcohol tincture:
- On garlic: pour 200 g of crushed garlic with 200 ml of alcohol (70%), leave for 10 days, filter. Take with milk: 5 colored drops per 50 ml of milk.
- For ginger: 400 g of root per 1 liter of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks. You can add a few tablespoons of honey (a good preservative). To increase arousal, it is enough to drink 30-50 g

- On horseradish ("hrenovukha"): 100 g of grated horseradish root, 30 g of ginger root, 1 liter of high-quality moonshine, 2 tablespoons of honey. Enter the mixture for 3-4 days. To increase potency, you can drink about 50 g immediately before sex.
- For parsley: 125 g of chopped roots, pour 0. 5 liters of vodka, leave for 3 weeks. Drink a strained infusion of 15 ml every day.
Tincture of garlic, ginger and parsley is very useful for men over 50 years old. They increase potency by stimulating sex glands and activating blood flow.
It is advisable not only to eat fresh parsley and celery vegetables, but also to freeze them for the winter (greenhouse products contain a lot of nitrates).
Dishes to combat sexual impotence
If you study carefullywhat productmost effectiveincrease potential, then you can create a fairly diverse and balanced menu from them. Egg and onion salad seasoned with sour cream is very healthy. A few more simple and effective recipes to combat low sexual activity:
- A stew with carrots, turnips, onions and lean meat is considered very useful for improving health and increasing sexual energy. The meat itself is a protein product, and it contains many minerals that are beneficial for the body, and in particular arginine;
- Vegetable salads with the addition of nuts or seafood have strong aphrodisiac properties. For vegetables, you can use green onions, parsley, arugula and basil;
- A very tasty and healthy dessert for men is a watermelon, orange and banana fruit salad, seasoned with yogurt mixed with lemon or pomegranate juice.
The main rule when preparing a diet to increase potency is that, along with food, a man receives the microelements, amino acids and vitamins he needs, which are responsible for the level of sexual strength and male performance.
Products that reduce potency
Foods that are harmful to potency are those whose intake affects the condition of blood vessels, blood composition, promotes weight gain and disrupts hormone levels. This includes:
- Trans fat. Almost all fast food and semi-finished products are produced on their basis: cut hamburgers, chips, crackers, snacks, sweets, dumplings. Frequent consumption of such foods will certainly lead to an increase in the amount of heavy cholesterol, blood thickeners, erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. It is very difficult to get rid of the fat accumulated as a result of such a diet. WHO recommends reducing trans fat intake to 1% of daily calories.
- sweet. People with a sweet tooth do not know about health problems until they are faced with excess weight and the threat of diabetes. High blood sugar levels will cause nerve damage and impotence. The fat layer will actively convert testosterone to female estrogen.
- Smoked meat. Substances contained in smoking liquids and vapors have a negative effect on testicular function. Testosterone synthesis decreases with subsequent decline in potency.

Beer causes great harm to potency. It is a rare man, because of its frequent use, does not develop a heavy stomach and enlarged mammary glands. Beer interferes with hormone levels, there is a tendency towards estrogen, a decrease in potency, and the approach of andropause is accelerated.
Other options for drinks that have a very negative effect on potency are sweet carbonated alcoholic cocktails, as well as Cola, Pepsi and other popular lemonades.
What is the best way to restore an erection?
The use of drugs remains the most popular and fastest way to improve erection. Although it is highly efficient, it is not always the safest. Each drug has contraindications and side effects, and the causes of erectile dysfunction may be different. Doctors can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.
What foods best increase potency? Since everyone is different, there is no single answer. Some people do not eat meat on principle, while others are allergic to eggs. Just choose what suits you and practice moderation.
The quality and strength of the relationship between partners depends on the level and duration of erection. Despite the fact that there are many, both time-tested and sometimes dubious, ways to increase erection at home, the best solution is to consult a doctor to then receive qualified and timely help.
Diet to increase potency is not so different from the usual system of proper nutrition.
Healthy clams

According to rumors that have reached us, Casanova was a big fan of oysters. Maybe this mollusk fueled his love. Today there is evidence that oysters are a real product for male power. After all, they increase sexual desire and reproductive function, fight baldness, muscle weakness and other age-related changes. Do you want your men to be young in spirit and body? Prepare oysters for them.
Our favorite tomato is a wonderful vegetable with a unique set of beneficial properties. Their daily use allows you to normalize the function of the digestive tract and more successfully absorb protein obtained from food. Tomatoes are useful for strengthening the walls of blood vessels. In addition, they are rich in the natural antioxidant lycopene, which activates the body's fight against cancer cells and neutralizes the negative effects of bad nutrition. Tomatoes are also unusual because when cooked, the lycopene content in them increases. Therefore, a man's diet must include not only fresh tomatoes, but also tomato paste.

This root vegetable is rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, which is important for strengthening the immune system and maintaining eye health. Other substances rich in radish help to optimize heart rate and normalize blood pressure.
If a man is not very interested in the offer of just biting a carrot, you can prepare a salad from fresh root vegetables, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil: in the presence of fat, beta-carotene is better absorbed.

Pumpkin seeds
Does your man like to sit in front of the TV with a bag full of chips or crackers? Invite him to replace this food with pumpkin seeds. It is not only free from components that are harmful to health (salt, flavor enhancers, flavors, stabilizers, preservatives, etc. ), but also contains substances that reduce the risk of developing prostate adenoma.

For centuries, ginger has been known in Asia for promoting health andanti-aging properties. It promotes digestion, improves blood circulation, increases libido, protects against colds and is also used as an aid in cancer treatment. Ginger root can be brewed with boiling water and drunk hot or cold, sweetened with honey or chocolatesugar.

Cottage cheese and milk
Not only women dream of having a beautiful figure. Many representatives of the stronger sex also take certain steps in this direction. The problem is that men often want to get results as quickly as possible and exhaust themselves with training in the gym. To prevent such carelessness from affecting your health, the menu should include dairy products, which are an excellent source of protein. Cottage cheese is especially useful in this sense, especially since some adults do not digest whole milk very well. In addition, cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system.

Men love meat dishes for a very obvious reason: it is a source of protein, necessary to maintain strength, especially during hard work. In addition, meat foods are often seasoned with aromatic spices, many of which increase libido.

For stronger sexual health, protein entering the body with meat is very necessary. However, it does not hurt housewives to remember that protein food is better absorbed in the presence of vegetables and herbs (preferably fresh). In addition, natural meat (beef, pork, lamb, chicken) is very healthy, but various sausages, smoked meats, canned food and fast food are unlikely to bring anything but harm. Such products may be present in the diet in limited quantities.

Most berries (especially bright red, blue or purple ones) are rich in anthocyanins and flavonoids. These ingredients activate the brain, improve memory, and promote concentration. Therefore, it is very important to include cherries, black currants, honeysuckle, and black berries in a man's diet. Blueberries contain components that maintain visual acuity, and cranberries and lingonberries normalize the function of the excretory system, which is important for men who, according to age, are at risk of developing prostatitis. Do not forget that almost all berries contain a large amount of vitamins that help maintain the immune status and reduce the possibility of contracting seasonal infections.